
Monday, October 12, 2015


There was a soft boom across the lake. The fishermen were paddling to get their boat situated before the sun came up. Every now and then we could hear them as the sounds carried across the water. The air was fresh and my family and I had water and sandwiches packed in a small pouch that I carried over my shoulder. We had one side of the lake all to ourselves and miles of woods in front of us. Our five dogs were just beginning to sniff around. My wife, two daughters, 5 dogs, and I are no strangers to the woods. We have all had our share of experiences under the trees.

It was a beautiful Saturday and we were off like a herd of wild turtles. We explored new areas and heard new sounds. The breeze was pleasant and quite. The forest was peaceful that day. Like many times before, I would try to catch the figures with my gaze as they walked from tree to tree out of the corner of my eyes. Often I would stop and stare, then close my eyes, connect to the collective of communication that surrounds all of us, and reach out to them.

I feel the chatter of the Sasquatch children as they keep my dogs on their toes. My dogs are never alarmed because we have met this way a million times. I say good morning and thank the hairy folk for letting us enter their home. I do not lie as I tell them that the scenery is beautiful and compliment their décor. I can feel the communication surround my human family and family in the woods and all is as it should be. I dream and discuss with my wife and daughters about anything and everything and jog a little if I feel like it. On this morning, I remember looking down at the trail and remembering the feather that they left for me last weekend at that spot. We never feel threatened, only the love of the moment.

As the chatter of the kids evens out to the background, I often speak with the adults and sometimes and elder. In the woods I do most of the talking and just let come what may back to my feeling. There is never any real big life changing discussions taking place because it is not the time and place for it. When I take my family to someone else's home we just enjoy the company most of the time. I have my intense meetings with the hairy folk when I am by myself and during those moments we discuss my path and the world around us. Those visits are sacred with my eyes closed most of the time. Other such discussions are had as I sit in front of my computer as I am right now. I have learned to turn everything off and let my fingers lead me off into the abyss of growth and awakening.

I have learned to trust them and they me. I am a big boy and do not blindly trust every Sasquatch that talks to me until I do trust them. Some hairy folk cross my path or just pass by. Many do not want to have anything to do with me. I give them the same respect that I would ToGrahnu and they pass on by. Other Sasquatch people are hesitant to speak with me as they have other things to do. I more-or-less let them know that it was a pleasure to meet them and wish them well and leave them alone. Other Sasquatch people are neighborhood friends and have learned to enjoy involving into our lives if they happen to feel like it on that particular day or tell me that they have been asked by my Sasquatch family to watch over us on that particular day or hike.

And then there is my Sasquatch family. I love all people, human and hairy folk alike. But I prefer the company of our older brothers and sisters who have adapted to the beauty of our mother earth. My Sasquatch family are deeply involved in our lives. They come and go daily and often come in the house, at least the ones that can fit. Machia can fit. She is very close to my daughters. Machia is about 16 years old now and her body is a little bigger than mine. Tahjee is the first Sasquatch that I have ever met and talked to. She is 'My Lady of the Woods.” She helped me to learn how to feel. She is a medicine woman in my clan and very well respected. She is almost black in color and very robust.

Tahjee asked ToGrahnu to watch over me at the very first of our relationship. I felt that ToGrahnu was a little hesitant at first but he and I have become very close. He is my dearest brother and I love him dearly. He is big. He is middle aged, wise, strong, and also a wise-ass a lot of times. He is one of those people that can say a joke without smiling and as you laugh, his facial expression remains unmoved. TuKornu is an elder man that looks like Chewbacca from Star Wars except that he has some gray hair and is twice as tall as Chewbacca. There is Tukra. He has made it his responsibility to speak with humans in the process of growing. I am not the only human that he has helped and speaks with. There is Tandania that visits my good buddy, Bone. Bone is a native American human that has been on quite a few night visits with me. He goes out at night more than I do and always alone. The Sasquatch trust Bone in the woods with a gun, knife, flashlight, and so on. I am too weak in the knees to carry a gun into the forest. I'm too afraid that a Sasquatch would spank me with it. But they trust Bone and so do I.

I met a Sasquatch man out one night with Bone and it could have been my last night. We were walking in the moonlight beside a row of trees to our right about ten feet away. It was pitch black there under the trees. As we were walking, the hair on my body stood up and Bone and I froze. I closed my eyes and held out my hands, palm up. I said, “We come in peace, friendship, respect and love, Big Brother.” Bone said, “Woah. This guy is getting ready to step out in front of us.” We heard the massive step. I asked him for his name and the Giant of a man said, “Mah-Kee-ah-teh.” I thanked him for speaking with me and assured him again that we come with respect and friendship. He told me that he did not want to be friends at this time and allowed us to walk on. I was a little sad. Over the next few weeks I would reach out to him and ask him to explain to me why he was not interested in friendship. Mah-kee-ah-teh told me that I could call him Mahkee. He said that I am known by all of the Sasquatch and loved by most but there are some Sasquatch in the area that despise humans and some were there that evening on our first visit. He told me that he had a very important job and it came first before anything else.

He went on to explain to me that he is a very important sentinel that has been given the responsibility of guarding a portal in the area. He shared with me that the portal has been often used in the past but at this time of change it is very dangerous. I thanked him and told him that I would not return out of respect for him and his wishes. He thanked me and said that If I wanted to visit with him that I could return and sit beside the road and he would come to me. The Sasquatch people from South America were passing through at that time and they are the ones that despise humans. But I wrote about that meeting in an earlier blog entry and I am getting off track.

As my family and I were leaving the woods on that beautiful morning that was described at the beginning of this blog entry, I noticed that there was no feather there in the area that there always was on past hikes. After about a second of thinking about this I heard my dogs let out a drama and run off into the woods to our right. After a few minutes of calling them all of my dogs returned except one. She was the littlest and most fragile. She was the runt of the litter and a little slow in her mind. We searched all morning. My wife took the kids back home and I stayed and walked and yelled her name for the next few hours.

As I was walking, a man in a red jacket came out of nowhere and walked in my direction. I am more careful with humans than hairy folk when I am in the woods. The hair stood up on my body as we passed. I walked on further and after he was out of sight, I left the trail and hid. Sure enough, he passed back by and seemed to be looking for me as he was searching very hard. He went around a bend in the trail and I crawled out and began to leave the woods. I saw his red jacked waiting in the tree line dead still. I stopped, turned around, and went off into the deep of the woods off the trail. I made a giant circle around him of about a mile. As I was making it out of the woods about a mile down the road from where I normally would have I saw my wife returning in the pickup. That is all about that story and that is all that I know about that man. I never saw him again but will never forget his energy as he passed.

We looked for our little dog for another couple of hours and decided to go home and come back in the morning. We couldn't wait. We came back later that night and then the next morning. We searched all weekend and on into Monday. Today we have still not found our dog.

Now I'm going to tell you the most interesting part of the story. Like so many times before I called my dear friend, Tracey, for her eyes. She is empathic as well as a healer and all around beautiful person inside and out. She saw my dog run, jump over a little mound or something and then disappear. Nothing else. She described the scene in detail. The only thing that the hairy folk told me the whole time was, “She's with us now. .. Let her go. … She is alright. … “ I heard this over and over from the Sasquatch people but that little pup is my family. I began to get mad at the hairy folk and my voice got louder with them. “What do you mean she's with you?!” “Bring her back!” “Let her go, my ass!” “What would Sasquatch's think If I had one of your kids and said Let her go?”

Time went on and I began to calm down and talk normal with them. Soon, other friends began to chime in with news of my missing dog. I have met many wonderful people from writing this blog over the years and many came to my rescue. Empath after empath began reporting to me the same scene. Sheila unknowingly described what Tracey described and others did the same and so on. Sheila introduced me to a many that can remote view as well and drew a computer animated picture of the scene. They all agreed that she jumped over something and disappeared. They all explained a fall of about 5-6 feet and PRESTO …. disappeared! One saw the dog in hairy arms. One of my friends, Julie, who also speaks with the hairy folk, said that the dog fell in a portal and was physically changed and could not return. She is with my hairy folk family now and they will look after her. I began to feel positive about the story.

Now I am going to share with you some of the text messages and keep my friends names private. I will just use one initial out of respect for them.


We have lost our baby dog in the woods. We have been looking since 10 am. I felt the hairy folk around all day but they just keep saying that she's gone. Can you tell me anything?

This is one of the little ones right? I keep seeing her slipping down something and then gone frown emoticon I can't see anything else.

Like a hole or something?

I can't tell if it's a hole or down an incline. I can't see down the other side. If she fell and got hurt maybe the hairy folk sent her Home. I just don't see her wandering around.

Thanks so much. We are on our way back to the woods. My daughter says that she can see her .... She screamed yeah!! When I told them what you said. She said that she saw the fall too. Can you tell me which direction from where I'm walking

I feel to your right but I don't want you running in circles... Woods at night and all... are your friends able to guide you at all.

They tell me she's gone.
On our way home. Nothing. All sad.

I'm so sorry frown emoticon

Thank you.


I need your help again, my friend. Yesterday we lost our little baby dog in the woods. She is a chia-weanie. I stayed in the woods for 5 hours calling her. The only thing that the Sasquatch people tell me over and over again is "She's gone, she's gone. She's with us." I asked T who can see like you and she said that she saw her fall and then she could not see her anymore. My eleven year old daughter can see like the both of you and also said the she saw a fall. I don't know. My wife and I went back and looked for another three hours last night and we are going again this morning. Can you see her or anything? Can you tell me anything?

Dang it John.....I keep getting....let it go....time to let it go.....I'm so sorry....I'll keep trying....
Its like she disappears.....I think she saw the hairy peeps and went running...then I don't see anything....
Like she was running towards them....
Do you think they could have taken her....I mean lovingly so....the disappear part is interesting....
I'm going to call my friend F in a few and see what she says...I also contacted R..

I feel that they lovingly took her. She was the runt of the litter and a little retarded. My eleven year olds favorite. But I am going back with my wife and kids now again.

Ok....I'll keep looking too.....This is from R...did you find her?

I can see that little thing in hairy mans arms.....and we all know how "fun and tricky" they can be....and the chart that R made looks about right and I saw a pile of leaves or vegetation at bottom of edge.....
Chat Conversation End


Hi, T! Would you mind validating something for me. I lost my dog yesterday in the morning deep in the woods. My family and I were walking there visiting with our hairy friends in the woods and enjoying the beauty. THe littlest ran away and never came back. I asked three different empathic far-seers who also know the Sasquatch from afar. They all say the same thing. They saw my dog jump over a hill and disappear. A fourth seer saw the path of the dog and then disappear. All that the Hairy Folk tell me is, "She is with us now, Dont worry. Let her go." etc... But I had to keep looking for my daughters. I always heard that I should trust them and that she is with them and I should let her go. Will you ask them for me and see what they tell you? Thank you dear friend

your four legged go into a portal, she not be able to come back her energy is diffeent now. Am sorry, only the Sasquatch people can maybe change her energy to come back, but not sure she will be same as before. Something she did, because she thought it was a threat to your family,

Can you tell me more? are there other beings there that I do not know about? The Sasquatch there are very friendly to me and my family

maybe your four legged can make it back, but not without help of Sasquatch, portals are very dangerous to living creatures who not have right energy for entering them

there are other beings who co-habitate our planet with us.

some are almost as ancient as the Sasquatch.

I know, J. I have met some. I always go with respect and they are used to us there. I have known them for about 4 years there. But do they tell you any messages to tell me?
If not, Thank you very much. You have always helped me alot.

no, I not hear anything, just see what happened, so far as your four legged,
you need to be a little more cautious on your outings, many portals are opening up
and some , ones can not return from
portals are energy based and vibrational molecular based, so if one not have correct genetic code it can be fatal

I understand. I have always felt safe there.

feeling safe ok, but with times changing, one needs to not be laxed with wareness

You have helped me more than you thought that you would
am hopong the Sasquatch can help you, but as I said, your four legged may not be as it once was
I feel that she is with them.
tc John Allen, be well my brother

You too sister T

At this point I had tons of feedback from people whom I have learned to trust.

I woke up on Monday morning and the energy at home was something else. I turned on my computer to check my mail and saw a message from one of my newer friends that I have met through our friends in the forest. He too has learned to hear them and speak with them. He too enjoys walks with his living family out in the woods with the hairy folk. He actually reminds me of me but without the blog. Ha!!

I will call him KA. This blog ends with his message to me this morning.

Hey John, this is KA ( smile emoticon ). I'm not exactly sure what other friends of yours have told your regarding your lost dog. I have a spirit friend (a woman who is not in the physical yet) who is very kind to me and helps me out. I asked her if she could tell me what happened to your dog in the forest and she gave me some interesting information that I'd like to share, if that's okay (the topic may be exhausted at this point, but then again, I came to have a personal interest in the experience that you shared, so my spirit friend, C searched my heart and answered with the following) :

C said-

- Tell John to check the forest in the Summer time (keep reading for further description below before discarding this part).
- The dog is alive and with the hairy people, specifically his family of hairy people; they have the dog with them.
- His family of hairy people are wanting to meet with him this Summer on a physical level; this is the reason for the dog missing and for the communication from his hairy family being limited.

end of message.

So, someone or many others may have given you this information, my friend, I don't know, so I thought I'd write a little to see if this is useful to you. I know that it is not fun to lose beings that influence you and your family in a positive way.

The thing that is weird about it is the use 'summer time' in the message; it does not mean an entire calendar year from now. To my understanding at the present time what this means is the obvious --- we might not have winter this year.

Imagine our earth having a Polar Reversal so that the magnetic field is flipped. This will influence the seasons, as you are well aware.

There will be a radical earth change, and afterward, and possible sometime around the date, December 21st (the new summer time) you can have a beautiful reunion with your beloved hairy family, but in a powerful, personal and very physical way. Your once lost dog will be there too.

Best wish, brother. Hope this is of use. -KA

Amazing. Thank you so much, my brother. I am going to digest this information. It has incredible meaning too. It makes sense. I knew that this meeting is coming. I also know that I have been protected so much that it gets on my nerves. It is like they are telling me that it has been too dangerous for them to contact me in the physical because of the danger of what I don't know. They only barely let me see but talk to me alot. About this, it has been hush hush. I feel that the powers that were would have gotten involved if we were to meet. That's why the protection. Gonna feel this one out.

Chat Conversation End

I knew that this meeting is close. As I have written in my blog, I have seen many hairy folk. They have touched me. I have felt the fingers. I see them clear when I feel what they share. Bone and I have watched over 40 Sasquatch people shimmer in and out in front of both of us for over half and hour in the moonlight with our eyes open. But KA validates for me what I knew was coming. Any day now I will meet the hairy folk in a fourth vibrational density meeting where we look eye to eye, touch, hold each other, smell each other, and laugh.

And you can bet your ass that I will write a blog about it!

I will see you again soon, Lala

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


The Sasquatch people have shown me the connection between myself and all that is. I see clearly, and have learned to feel it, that everything is part of the one. The one is who we are, … together. What they have shared with me over the past few years is quite simple, We really are all one being or entity. Becoming family with a clan of Sasquatch people who live in my area is the cherry on top of the ice cream. My wife, kids, dogs, and I have spent many hours in the woods getting to know these people. It has been great for my family to share together the adventures of the hairy folk. They are beautiful people, inside and out.

Before we continue just remember that what I share comes easy. It helps me grow. Do not give my experiences any more importance than your own. Let resonate what will and discard the rest. As you give blogs, like this one, importance in your life do not stand in the shadows of it and let it become your gospel. FEEL your way through the darkness with your heart wide open and your experiences will find you.

Remember the first steps when getting to know the hairy folk:
Examine your intent – Why are you doing this? What is your desired outcome? What kind of relationship do you see yourself having with Bigfoot? It really all begins here. Be honest with your self about this first step because everything builds from here. This is the first feeling that the hairy folk feel and see in you as you take your very first step in their direction (whether spiritually or physically).

Love – Love is the building block for everything! Throw a little light on love and you have the substance of your experience. Take love with you everywhere you go and especially in the woods because It can be felt from miles away. Love is also the common rope that ties all beings in the universe together from a third vibrational density all the way up to six and beyond and of course 1st and 2nd. This doesn't mean that everything with the hairy folk has to be treated with the reverence in a church. Love is a lot of fun. It's pure and real. Its honest and respectful. Love is innocent and it also carries our greatest power!

We are all one – That's pretty clear. We can realize in ourselves that we really understand and get this point by one (not limited to) major point... Service to ourselves for personal gain or service to others because they are that part of us that is them... and I am that part of you that is me. Get it? The Sasquatch people show us this example right in front of our faces. As we humans have forced our surroundings to adapt to us, the hairy folk have adapted to their surroundings. They understand that everything is alive with conscience and that that conscience is what we are all in the process of creating together.

The universe is full of life! Whether or not UFO's and Bigfoot's have anything to do with each other … I'll just give out a big yawn. All of us know all of the answers that we are seeking at some level of our being. There is no believe... there is only knowing or not knowing. Believe comes from thinking about something for a long time but can never really prove. My good buddy, Thomas Hughes says it well. He likes to point out that believe comes from three words put together: BE the LIE on the EVE. This means that when all is said and done (on the EVE) we place so much thought in the LIE that we become it (BE). I would agree that, for me, believing something has never led me to knowing it. Believe comes from THINK and knowing comes from FEEL.

I have come across something lately that resonates very well and has filled in many missing pieces of the puzzle. I always ask for the doors to be open and I would share while I benefit from the information and experience myself. I came across Corey Goode the other day being interviewed by David Wilcock. I couldn't get enough. Over the period of the next week or so I would listen to everything that I could get my hands on with Corey. I used my smart phone and headphones while I worked outside. Wilcock charges money for his TV show and I can't afford it so I just wait for the freebies to hit youtube. Goode was taken in youth to work for organizations that we are not supposed to know about. He was approached by some 6th density beings to become a speaker and represent their race in meetings with humans and other beings during this time of universal change. What he explains is going on out there is what I am getting from the hairy folk.

Yellow Rose For Texas has many scratching their heads. But what she is sharing corresponds with what the hairy folk share with me and others. She is difficult to understand until she isn't any more. There is a YRFT guide out there that is easy to find if you google it. It gives definitions to her abbreviations. For example: EF = Enemy Forces and so on. This helped me in the beginning in making sense out of her posts and now I do not need the guide very often. As far as I have understood, she is an elderly Native American woman with white hair. She has been in touch most of her life but is only lately sharing openly with the world during this time of Universal Change.

The Law of One (LOO) is another source that was made available to us during a different time in our history. Again, it accents the hairy folk 's message to me that we are all brothers and sisters that make up the one being, the great I AM. What I have read lately from the LOO series goes hand in hand with YRFT, the hairy folk, and what Corey Good is being told by the beings known as the Blue Avaians who are part of the Sphere Alliance. The Sphere Alliance are here with us now to gently assist us in this time of Universal Change. Do some research and give your feelings a chance to show you what resonates or not (including blogs like this one).

At the back of my property is a portal. I have written about it before. Others have seen it and the many different beings that travel in and out of it all of the time. My family and I are being protected so we are never concerned with who comes and goes. (Well, one time I was drinking some wine and got pretty tipsy and the beings started looking stranger than normal. Ha! ToGrahnu told me to slow my roll, or something that meant the same thing.) One evening I felt an energy that wasn't any of my Sasquatch family. I really had a difficult time with this being. I just couldn't figure out what I was dealing with. This being was allowed on my property by ToGrahnu so I did not feel threatened. (I have made it very clear that ONLY my Sasquatch family are allowed in my home. And only beings that are approved by ToGrahnu are allowed on my property.) I called Tracey Owen and she helped me as she has done many times. The being was a lost child. The being was part of a group of beings that are here to only observe us at this time of Universal Change. It had slipped through the portal by accident and was lost. It turns out that this being was in danger of other beings but found safety under the care of ToGrahnu on our property.

A day or two later my wife and I were setting at the the back of my property and she could see a couple of very dark beings (or energies) just beyond our fence but could not get across. I could feel the little being on our property was still safe but scared. We learned that Vorkiska was the little metallic looking beings name. A few days after that I noticed that feathers were stuck in the ground all over my property and that through out the day I found feathers stuck in the ground in my path when I went out into the rest of the world. The parents of Vorkiska, or the guardians, were trying to get me to slow down and focus my feeling to them. They were trying to tell my wife and I thank you for giving Vorkiska a safe haven when Vorkiska got lost.

I did not plan on saying “Universal Change” every five minutes in this blog entry but it is fitting. Everything around me seems to be embracing change in ways that I have never experienced before. I will get to your questions now and let the hairy folk answer what they will. Oh yeah, one last thing, … I have tried to make conversation with the Blue Avaian beings with mind speak over the past few weeks. At first I felt a reply telling me that it is not time yet. And on a later time, Tukra chimed into my head and told me, “John! Stick with what you know!” I felt that Tukra was not encouraging me to not be curious but to focus on the here and now and be patient.

Thank you for your comments after the last blog. I have only written the questions here this time.

Hello my name is Paul and I live in South Wales UK...Please would you ask your forest friends if there would be any hairy folk who live near me who I could contact and make friends,I have been practicing telepathy and feel I'm ready..Thank you John and BTW I think it's great your doing this blog..lots of love to you and your family :)

I am Tukra. I cover great distances at a slower vibration but I vibrate faster than the distance I travel. There is no far away and close up. There is only that feeling that touches me when anyone calls Tukra. You are not far away, Paul, …. from what you are looking for. You can hear me right now as you read these words. You are feeling me and that draws me very close to you. Now we are at the same place. Mason is the way in front of you. It is a place that you can go that will be quite enough for what you are looking for. Do not look for Mason in the way that you are used to look for something.

Paul, These are the words that I have been told from Tukra at this moment but I also feel Tukra in a different way. . . or with more details. Look around your surroundings for a sign with the word “Mason” on it somewhere. I do not understand what that means because it is not for me to understand. It is for you to find. It doesn't feel like a town but it for sure is at a place where you are to go. You will be safe there as you pursue contact with the hairy folk in your area. The “sign” is the first feeling that I received from Tukra but do not depend on all of the details from me. Be open for something very different that what you are expecting. And this is a very good point to point out. The Sasquatch people have NEVER done what I have expected them to do. Well, except for keeping an eye on my wife, kids, and I when we are in the woods, keeping an eye on my two daughters when they go on trips, and things like that.

Paul, there is a family in your area that are ready to meet you.

Thanks, Tukra. Paul, what I feel from Tukra just know is that he is hinting to you to explore whether or not you are ready. Be patient and remember to have fun. Ask a lot of questions and get ready to feel a lot of thoughts.

John, a woman on an internet forum claims to speak with the Big Ones much as you do. In a much larger discussion she mentioned that she had once asked some females if there was anything which they feared physically--besides the human capacity for stupidity and recklessness--and the answer was yes. They told her they fear large "dragon"-like creatures. When she noted that she had never seen one nor heard of anyone else seeing "dragons" they were very surprised.

Can you ask the Big Ones the meaning of this? Were they playing with or teasing her? Is she just not making a connection with the Big Ones despite her belief she is? If not, how does their perception of the world consistently include such creatures and ours doesn't? Were they speaking of another plane of existence? But if that's the case why wouldn't they tell her they exist in places and with beings that we humans--here and now--do not?

Also, if you are able, can you feel around my area, just north of Yellowstone, to see if there are any Forest Friends about. I suspect there are and I'm curious to see if they are open to communication.

Thanks to you and the Big Ones

There is no fear, only balance.

Tandania and I do not speak very often but we are family. He visits often with my native American brother, Bone. The feelings that I have received from him just now is quite a few things. His physical body is snoozing a little right now while who he really is is awake in a different reality; a faster vibrational reality. I watched his head raise up fast when my thoughts read the word fear and that the hairy folk are choosing to be afraid somewhere. He let me know that fear is not a solution that the Sasquatch use. They have learned many many years ago that being afraid does not bring the desired outcome. They play with fear like a ball. They give it to whom they wish at any given time in order to help that being grow by learning how to make different choices than choosing to be afraid.

As far as who is speaking with the Sasquatch and who is not, I will not go there for obvious reasons that everyone knows at some level of their be-ing. I am a member of many facebook groups about Bigfoot, Sasquatch, etc... and I see that EVERYONE is at a different stage of growth. Leave the value judgment away from the words “different stage of growth” because judging where others are with their own Bigfoot experience does not define them. It defines you. Today, I watch a big drama play itself out between two men in the Bigfoot group world that have let differences divide them. I will not pick a side as both are good men but I have said before and I will always and forever say, “Money will not lead someone to the Sasquatch.”

I do not know with whom this lady speaks. Everyone of us have the exact same tools of discernment. Trust how you feel about it. And do the same thing when you read anything that me or anyone else may write.

Now, something that the Sasquatch people have shared with me about dragons. There are some other people in our circle that know a lot about dragons but I will share here what has been shared with me. The group of humans that come from a reptile family tree and not a mammal one worked very hard at taking over much of the universe around us. They are at a 5th vibrational density negative and will not be able to move up to a higher vibrational density because negative can not exist beyond 5th. They are afraid of a higher vibrational negative being that makes them look like the tooth fairy. This is a dragon race.
Now, you are asking yourself, “If negative does not exist beyond 5th then how are the dragons negative?” I said that the negative race happens to be a dragon race not that all dragons are negative-number one. Next – picture a piano. Picture the middle C on a piano. Picture middle C as a 1 vibrational reality. Then picture that the 3rd vibrational reality is the reality that we have left (we are somewhere between 3.5 and 4th density. This is why so many of us are awake and not buying what the powers-that-were are trying to fool us with anymore). The 5th key after middle C is where we are going. Etc... NOW, picture how many octaves the piano has. This dragon race that these reptilian humans fear vibrate within a different octave than we do. This is an octave that does not concern us. However, it does concern the reptilian humans that have controlled this reality for so long because it is in an octave of negative that does not have anything to do with us.

This is another very important reason why the hairy folk are always talking about balance. It is one thing to know that negative exists but another to exist in the negative. The negative allow us to choose the positive and we should, therefore, be grateful of the negative. When I first began having conversations with the Sasquatch people I only chose positive. They taught me balance. Only positive is out of balance too. Personally, I only choose to live in the positive. That is being honest, humble, and in service to others. But I do respect the negative... I simply do not choose it.

I am Tanda! I live on a different world that is much bigger than your mother. She is grand. I do not fear the dragon folk. They are my brothers and sisters. I give them my respect and respect is what is given to me. Know that we all have a choice. Each choice leads to another and another. Choices lead us to the space that fits us. Everyone has their space on the great creator. We live because Creator is! Just like humans.

The feeling from Tanda is huge. Within the feeling that Tanda shares is what I remember about the question that was asked. Does the lady really speak with the hairy folk and are their beings that the female Sasquatch fear? Tukra's mate is Shona. From what I know of her, Shona is a very wonderful woman. Once a friend of mine, Thomas Hughes, asked Shona, “So, how do you women protect yourselves from the Sasquatch males that have left the clan and are out looking for new families and such?” Shona said, “If we do not want them they get a head ache.” Thomas asked, “What is that does not work?” She said, “Then they get the shits. And if that does not work, their nose begins to bleed. And if that does not work then their brain begins to bleed.”

I don't have to tell you that if your brain bleeds then your dead. I would never pick a fight with a Sasquatch and especially not a Sasquatch woman. So,.... what the lady on the internet said about Sasquatch women being afraid of other beings does not resonate with me personally.

Hello all, I'm quite new to all this. I've always been told that I have a special gift with animals (a part of the reason why I'm in the animal care field.) Just a couple of years ago, I was once told (through a psychic reading) that my animal totem/animal spirit guide, is Sasquatch. Not knowing if it was because of my tall height, big feet, or hair trimmed ugg boots at the time, I wasn't sure what to make of it. It wasn't because I didn't believe in Sasquatch (i am spiritual), but more so of the fear of the unknown. The first I had heard of them, was through that family movie with the friendly sasquatch and his newly found human family. Just looking at him terrified me and I pushed it out of my mind for as long as I can remember growing up. Hearing about this psychic reading got me more curious as I began to look more into it on and off over the years. Now more than ever... (past few days) I can't seem to get them off of my mind and am constantly reading up about them . Which has brought me this fascinating website. How does one become less fearful...? Even looking into the eyes of a gorilla, gives me goosebumps. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Smnth.

Hi, Smnth. I'm sure you'll get some wonderful answers to your question when John writes his next blog entry. In the meantime, you might want to listen to this interview with Jan Weiss:

The entire interview is wonderful (I think, anyway), but if you want to skip to about 18 minutes in, that's where she starts talking about how to deal with fear. For me, personally, it's been an iterative process (and it's still ongoing). I just keep going out there and coming back in one piece, hoping eventually I'll realize I'll probably just keep doing that: coming back in one piece.

I also think that the hairy people we meet pretty much know our state of mind, and they know when we're ready for the next step. They won't force anything on you that you can't handle. And if you haven't already done so, you might want to go back to the beginning of this blog and read through all the entries. I think your question is addressed directly and indirectly several times, and very beautifully.
Oh! And a wise person once told me, try to think of your fear as excitement. That way, you don't have to fight so hard against it, and you can even leverage it to help you get to a better state of mind. And I forgot this one: Talk. Sing. Talking and singing allow you to announce your presence and help your listeners understand who you are. This is really your only "job", your only duty, and there's a relief in doing your duty. It's easier to accept whatever happens next, and to process it, when you know you've already done your job to the best of your ability. (And it's not really a job; it's fun.) I hope you have a great time getting to know the hairy people around you! It sounds like you will.

Thanks, ML ! Great advice! I have never heard about the “fear as excitement” line before. Nice one.
Fear seems to be the theme of this blog entry. There is a lot about fear in my past blog entries. I still get anxious when I go into a new part of woods that I have never been before. But I do this only about once a year with Bone. Pretty much, I go to the back of my property and speak with members of my Sasquatch family that may be there. ToGrahnu has a young sentinel watch over our house most of the time lately. He like to scare me and play tricks more than he likes to sit quiet and talk to me. Ha! I am grateful that he is here at night. Would any of you like to say something to this nice person about what she has shared?

I gave Bone a gift. I showed him my eyes before he got to see all of me. Then I showed him all but my mouth. In my mouth, I had his gift to me. He was nervous to see me but felt who I am. If we did not see you humans all of the time you would know how scary you would look to us. Naked and cold. Light and tripping over shadows that are your friends.

I have seen you too, Tandania. You are not the friendliest looking Sasquatch that I have ever seen.

Thank you.

Ha! Now your being funny.

No, you think you are. Ask people to feel Tandania and I will show them what I look like.

Alright, I do not have to repeat that. Everyone heard you.

Were you afraid when I let you see me?



Your eyes. Your body was perfect and slim like a professional football player. The scars on your face were barely visible in the light but I knew they were there. Your hair was short and close to your skin so I could see your muscles. You didn't move. Your just stood there and blinked sometimes. You were licking something that you were holding in your hands at your mouth. What were you licking?


Where did you get salt?


The way I described you... can you see that that would be a little scary for a human to see at night?

If you say so. . . That was my little sister.

Ha! Now, your being funny!

Yep! Are you going to tell the lady that she was a Sasquatch?

You just did. Will you share with us a little bit more about what you can about her questions?

She knows somewhere in her feelings that there is no difference except the ones that she is making. We all come and go as we choose. She chose to wear the body that she is in and I chose mine. But these are not the only bodies that we have ever worn. I know the body before this one. She has forgotten. We Sasquatch wear a body for a while and give to our mother our choices that come from that body. Other choices I have made with other bodies. She has chosen to give to our mother the choices that she is giving with this body. Most of you humans do this not knowing that you are doing it. Humans take a body from our mother and give back poor choices to our mother. Smnth has taken a body and is now beginning to give her choices back to our mother. The choices that Smnth is making in this body are different that the choices that she made with her Sasquatch body but she has left herself clues to remind her of the choices that she can make. The choices that she made as a Sasquatch made our mother happy. She left signs everywhere for herself in this body to choose a choice that will be the reason that she chose to come her now. She knows this. I am Tandania.

Thanks, Tandania. This might make sense to me later. Does anyone else want to say something to Smnth?

Smnth, We protect ourselves with fear. You do not need it when speaking with us. It is not your fault that you are afraid. Your leaders have tried to keep you from us. You have learned to fear us and consider us less than you. You have become dangerous and destructive. You have become controlled and poisoned. We are your family and friends. You do not need fear with us. Your leaders fear that you know this.

Thanks, Tukra, Tahjee, and Tandania. Thanks readers for sending your questions. I learn from them too. Thanks for all of the private messages too. Remember, If you send me private questions I will always do my best to answer you and will always keep it private. But please consider sharing with everyone. All of us are searching for answers and may receive help from the questions of another. I promise that I will always use a different name and keep your real identity safe.

Sunday, July 12, 2015


I never know how this is going to go. After my last blog entry, I stepped back from the blog. I had many things going on. I missed my friends after about three weeks and began keeping my eyes open for a sign that I should get back into it. Nothing came. I asked two friends to have a look in my direction and tell me what they can see. One friend, Tracey, said that around me, all Sasquatches were busy except one. She said that one of my hairy folk family said that if I didn't come back to them soon then he would jerk me back. Ha! She described him and I knew that it was my brother, Tograhnu. On that same day I received the other reply from my other friend, Kyle. Kyle is a new friend and speaks with the hairy folk like I do. Kyle said that he asked his Sasquatch friends and family and they spoke with Tograhnu. They told him to tell me that I have been to preoccupied with un-important things in my life and that I needed to find balance again. I was grateful for the two replies.

I turned to Tograhnu and asked him to show me a door and I will walk through it. Later that day I received the first message in many weeks from someone that wanted to ask me questions for the Hairy Folk. Then came another and another. I began working one on one with a couple of people that have asked me to keep them private. Now I am writing this blog again with new vigor and excitement. Thanks for your patience. As always, let this resonate or not. Both are fine. I charge no money for this because, as everyone knows, money does not lead one to the hairy folk.

I live in the ozarks of Missouri by a place called fort Leonard wood and I am an avid Squirrel and raccoon hunter and thought the last few years I have had many strange experiences that make me really think if I really saw something or if my eyes were playing tricks on me. I've even had an experience where a friend from a distance saw me shining a tree looking for a raccoon and he said way above my head that he saw too red glowing lights but didn't say anything because he didn't want to alarm me and the entire time I was looking I had a feeling there was a predator on the ridge above me and could occasionally here foots steps. Only a couple of times I have felt uneasy in the woods and most of the experiences I have a still feel pretty safe but the most recent experience has me convinced there is a patch of woods very near my house that one night last year I heard a howl and I couldn't tell what it was and it sounded slightly like a man but it was just to odd. Then yesterday I walked up on a fairly decent sized tree twisted around and layed down perpendicular on the path and I took it as a sign to not pass that barrier and to see that size tree twised with no claw marks from a bear really has me convinced there are hairy people out here and I was wondering if there is anyway whether by communication with the hairy folks or however if you or they know if and who is out in my area I want to be respectful and keep the peace and possibly interact without being intrusive.

There are a few different things going on in your neck of the woods. Be careful not to just throw everything into one box. Your questions, here, form an energy and intent. This energy walks before you where ever you go and especially into the woods, in this situation. The hairy folk are not the only beings that share other corners of these realities that we exist in but they are very good at picking up on this energy. This “energy” is not some new-age talk but very primitive and basic stuff. A husband knows when his wife walks in the room, ...”Hmm, something's wrong” and the wife has not said a word. Or when the wife feels that something at work is changing her husband, and therefore changes them when he comes home. This energy protects us when we are faced with making a bogus business deal with a corrupt businessman. Call it feeling, instinct, gut, whatever... one does not need their eyes for this energy and quite frankly... your eyes will most likely deceive you in this.

The hairy folk feel this energy from you before you even set foot out of your door; on your way to the woods. They are the masters at feeling this. Beginning with your paragraph and working our way through, the red eyes in the tree above the raccoon were not anything out of the ordinary for humans. The Sasquatch are not telling me anything about this other than a yawn, ignoring the question, and I hear crickets in the background type of stuff. However, they have let you see certain aspects of what they want to show you. You are not “seeing things” but your eyes have seen all that the hairy folk want them to see. Trust your feelings.

Speaking of your feelings, you said that you felt that a predator was on the ridge above you. It was the hairy folk. But they are NOT predators. They can project feelings onto you. They keep us away from dangerous or unwelcomed places. There are other predators in your area that feed off of your fear and you must not display fear if you come into contact with these beings. They will make you feel like predators are in the area too and this would be true. The hairy folk are showing you where you are welcomed to go and where they do not want you. Some of these places are highly active at night and the last things that they want around their kids are half asleep humans with guns and cameras.

You can develop friendships with the hairy folk in your area. They are willing. Keep going back often. There are more detailed recommendations in previous blog entry’s but here are a few basic guidelines to follow. Examine your intent first because everything that happens after that will be based on your intent. They know your intent and it is better if you are aware of it before continuing to step two. When you go to the woods get down on a knee and touch the ground and show respect. Their reverence towards this planet is above everything. Ask them to show you where to go and let you know where you are not welcome. Respect those places. They will let you know. Feel it! About twisted trees and claw marks. Try and think of the hairy folk in this way. They are masters at harmonizing with the natural breaths that this planet takes. Their spirit is a vibration away calling all of the shots. This is the part of them that talks to me and my family everyday. This is the part of Tograhnu that is with me at this time. This is where mind speak is the most clear. Their bodies come into focus in this vibration when their spirit chooses to. Most people get confused about all of this. This is only because most do not fully comprehend things like thought creating matter out of love, all matter has a vibration, telepathy, this planet is a living being, all animals (and everything including water and rocks) has a conscience. The Sasquatch spirit controls their bodies. Humans use their bodies to control their spirit.

As you pursue a friendship with people who have not changed their surroundings to fit them (like we humans have), but have adjusted themselves to harmonize with their surrounds then there is a multitude of new perspectives and ideas that one must be willing to entertain. Feel them and they will show you. Explain why you have brought a gun with you and feel what they tell you. Ask them about photos and feel their answer. Just a little example: I have not taken a gun into the woods in three or four years. They have let me know more than once that I am being protected. Who needs a gun when you are friends and family with the wonderful giants of the forest. Just remember to have fun, they sure as hell plan on it. So to answer your questions, yes. There are many hairy folk in your area that would be open for conversation. It takes a while but worth it.

John... its Jen here ( previously "hippiefairyetc.....") Remember you asked a question for me of the "little green man with arrow" and i was honored to get a reply ?? well...have you any thoughts on this ....occasionally in the past ( over about the last 3 years) , I used to get a picture show behind my eyelids when i closed my eyes in bed before falling asleep (As tho my closed eyelids were the screen) it used to happen just very odd times and was only a long winding country road which i seemed to be driving or walking along...the perspective being what you would see in front of you....but nothing on the road...... Now lately , every night on closing my eyes the "film " starts......but now it is in greater detail and sometimes is still on that road but with cars, people etc but also in other scenes... they are oblivious to me i am simply observing them going about their business ??? what do you make of that ?? (nothing to do with the little green man who i haven’t experienced again ) ? any ideas what it could be ? .. Jen smile emoticon

When you close your eyes, your eyes can no longer distract you away from what you are looking at. There are realities coming into focus for many right now. As the scenes become more detailed, remember that the reality that is coming into focus for you right now has no distance or time like the reality has that your eyes can see. A thought will place the scene in front of you. And a strong memory from your past will leave it there waiting for you to return to it when you close your eyes. At those moments, your thoughts about it will bring the details into focus. What all of this means is in the process of presenting itself to you.

I feel that Mitawinasi is not trying to be mysterious right now for shock value or something. To me, I can relate to this a little for what is going on in my life. Everything is coming into greater focus right now. The process of this change is what to look for; not some hidden and reclusive climax at the end.

That is correct. The changes are giving you the answers that you seek.

Hi, John. I asked this question on an earlier post, when I couldn't find this one, but now that this one is 'back', I thought I'd ask my question again (in case you didn't see it in the other place). Some friends are noticing that many hairy folk have been coming down with an illness that affects their lungs (and some have been dying from it). Have you heard about this? Is there a way to get more help for the ailing hairy people? Do you know what's causing the problem?

I am completely unaware of such stories.

She is talking about a rare case where some of our brothers and sisters have gotten too close to the negative creations that were made by the negative forces at work in the reality that she is leaving. There is nothing to worry about and nothing to fix. We take chances when we come to your human vibration but when we leave and shimmer out of your vibration that negative stays there and does not come with us. Those times have gone when we used to vibrate together but they are now returning. We still slow down but many humans are speeding up. Things are beginning to look strange to many of you because the vibrations are coming together. Soon many of you will be able to see us all of the time but it will be those humans that would not harm us. About our brothers and sisters that you have asked about, they are sometimes carrying things for their human family that they know that their human family would not be able to carry at this time. It is a gift.

Hello John and Mitawinasi. This is Alan. I understand here on this planet we humans place much importance on the physical body. That would be because many are unaware that we are indeed eternal and physical death is simply part of the illusion. But I would like to ask how is the end of a physical life on your planet Dakote managed, is there a ceremony and are you able to maintain attachment or communication eternally with the one that has passed?

Sometimes creations need to start over. When a creation is undone in order to be made new again, we start at the beginning. We slow down the speed in which the vibrations occur and rebuild. But we have not done this for a very long time by your idea of time. This was done here, where you are now. We have all been rebuilding for a very long time. We have not only been rebuilding the reality on this sphere but the vibration of creator her/him/it's self. Everyone is watching. We all have family there with you. Some of you are our family that have chosen to be where you are. The Sasquatch have made choices as well. All of you would do well to listen to them. They understand your mother planet more than anyone else around you.

As far as Dakote, Alan, Dakote is in the process of being that part of creator that is Dakote. Dakote will grow and expand creator as the choices of creator continue to create creator. Dakote is not at the vibration of Earth. We have no veil between what you consider life and death. At our vibration we have the choice between light and dark as you do on your planet. We, like many beings beyond your reality, choose balance between them. As far as ceremonies, Alan, we have had ceremonies when you left here and will have them again the moment that you feel who you really are. There is no life and death, only creator creating. But this change between where you are and where we are is the closest thing to life and death that your conditioning has prepared for you.

I would also like to know that is it likely that I am not the aspect of myself that is currently having this 3rd density experience. Meaning that could there be multiple aspects of myself here on Gaia in various forms...other humans that might even be members of my family, animals etc? I find this a very interesting possibility as I am having many dreams where I feel I am experiencing realities via the eyes of another. As always thank you. Alan.

Congratulations, Alan. You have just had the experience of being other aspects of you. This question comes to you from that part of you that is here with us. You have listened and recognized. It would do you well to re-read your question before I share with you what I am about to share.

This is not the first time that you have heard this. This is not a new concept to your vibration. But I will revisit it again because it is the beginning and the end at the same time. Creator is. Creator knew that Creator is Creator but Creator wanted to experience Creator. In order for Creator to have the experience of Creator and not just the knowing that Creator is, Creator chose different aspects of Creator to experience other aspects of Creator. For example: In order for Creator to experience the hand of Creator, Creator became the foot of Creator to look up at the hand.

All of us are one. All of us are those parts of Creator that make up Creator. When you “die,” you rejoin Creator as part of all that is. You feel the oneness of Creator again like we do anytime we choose. There is no end to creating Creator. We all have enough fun and excitement to last us forever and then we can start all over. The moment that all humans on Earth realize that they are actually all one, …... will be exciting indeed. Separation has been so instilled in you that this simple concept becomes too far out for you to understand. To me, far out is thinking that there is a God that creates everything and says yes to some, no to others, and maybe to the rest.

Enjoy seeing through the eyes of other parts of you. Very soon you will have a much greater library of thoughts and experiences to choose from. They will be from other parts of Creator that become welcome for you to feel as your experiences in this lifetime become gifts for others.

This is a message for Stacy A. There is a Sasquatch named Mah-key-nugh or Makina that is wanting to share with you. She is very gentle. Take it very slow with her and be very simple with your questions. Tahjee (My Lady of the Woods) was very patient with me at the beginning but somehow gave me a crash course. She involved others in my experiences. She introduced me to Tograhnu who is my closest brother. Makina has come because you have asked her to.

Thank you so much!!!!! I don't even know where to begin with questions, lol. I woke from a dream yesterday in which I was the only female of some sort of team, maybe 5 of us. I was always playing mediator between either the other team mates or the team and outside people encountered. One man got sooooo angry and as he walked away he was saying you are not part of our team, why are you with us? I followed him and said you are right! I finally realize that you have been right all this time and I have never felt a part of this team and that it was time for me to go, even though I don't have another team to join, even if it meant I would be alone, that this team was not mine. I woke saying in my head this is not my tribe, I need to find my tribe. Funny thing is, before I went to sleep I consciously asked for some info, some signals as to my direction. Mah-key-nugh sounds familiar.

The following was a conversation that I had with a nice woman that may be interesting. I am going to use her initials out of respect.

After I posted our conversation I was asked to remove this conversation by her. I am sorry but respect what ever reason she had.

If you have any questions that you would like me to ask the hairy folk, post the questions at the bottom of this blog entry. 
Tograhnu is my closest Sasquatch friend and brother. He is a Sentinel in his clan. He has a very big responsibility. Past posts tell more detail about him.
Mitawinasi is also a very dear friend. He is over seven foot tall and looks like a Native American. He is from the planet Dakote in the Andromeda star system. 
I'm just a normal dude from Texas who loves his wife, his kids, his dogs, and walks in the woods. Until next time...

(sorry for any mispelling. I'm to lazy for spellcheck)

Thursday, May 21, 2015


This was a strange entry. I was as if everything went wrong. Computer wouldn't work, felt like I left out things, etc... There have been a lot of things that have happened in the last month or so. One can feel it everywhere. As you read these words know that in the end it is you that has the answers that you seek. Do not put all of your being in to the words of another. I have chosen to open myself up to the feeling of communication between my heart and that which I can not see with my eyes. Over the past few years I have remembered how to feel with whom I speak. Before every blog entry I connect myself with my brothers and sisters the hairy folk. They are the ones that we have learned to call Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yowie, Yeti, etc... I speak with my family, who live in my area, daily. But there are always new forest people that I meet from time to time as well as an occasional member of our star family. I have just met a man in Australia who asked me to call him Wimby. He is a yowie. I have never spoken with him before. I am also joined by a lady from a different planet or vibration or dimension ( I am not sure about what all of those things mean exactly) who asked me to call her “The Visitor,” as well as Tahjee and ToGrahnu. TuKornu is busy somewhere else but let me know that he is only a thought away. Tukra and his mate, Shona, are also busy with other things at at the moment but are always a thought away. Mitawinasi is here as well. I asked Tracey Owen to help me with this blog because I have always found her insight very helpful for my own journey and I know that others have too. Tracey is direct with how she says what she says. I find it refreshing. I will jump right in with Wimby now because the first questions are from a man in Australia named Matt.

"Tahjee, What the hell does that shit mean? It's like I am typing spam or something."

Lol I lavent laughed so much in weeks. John just listen to the lady and type!! No questions, no spam, no tea breaks, just type dammit! The lady might put an ad in the paper looking for another typist if your not careful. Hilarious.

"many of you have sent questions. Many questions. First, the answers are out there, simply ask and be open to the answers. The problem is when ego gets in the way. You have predetermined answers in your head already so anything different will not be accepted."

My first post in this blog with lots of questions. Im wondering about the different groups of Yowie/Sasquatch/Yeti/Orangmawas. How many species of hairyfolk are there? I heard that there are 7 different types on Earth. Is this true?

Ok, when I look at the earth I see many lights all depicting where our hairy brethren are. They are everywhere but with concentrations in certain areas. If I have time at work I'm going to print out a map and highlight what I see. The smaller lights are small groups and single nomads. (Insert Map)

Here in Australia the descriptions of the Yowie vary somewhat. Some are described as the average looking tall guys, others are described as the same but with big sickle like fingers, and the third type are described as tall guys but with red glowing eyes with stick/branch like fur - not so much fur but sticks sticking out of them (how do they sleep). Is this true? If so are these different types from different places.....1 type from Mars the other from Marduk etc?

We are different as the choices. We are who we are as we are who we choose. The lights and shadows are tools that we take to our homes. We watch as the energy of humans pass over our families. The energy is clear and out of place. How we choose to let you see is that which you can take with you to your home. We adjust to our home and you make your home adjust to your choice. Your choice is the energy that we see when it comes near to us. Your energy shows you how we look as we let you see what we choose. How do you feel when we show you red eyes? How do you feel about sickle fingers and hair? All of the different parts of us have different meaning as what you cover yourself with. You cover for cold and hot. You cover for speech. You show who you are. We show you the same.

Do the different types/species of hairy folk have varying degrees of talents? A human example is that North American humans are good at basketball but suck in rugby and soccer the South American humans are good at soccer but suck in rugby and are ok with basketball where as Australian humans are good at rugby cricket and beer but suck in basketball and soccer. Do the hairy folk have team sports? If so what are they? Do you have a hairy folk olympics every 4 years or a world cup? Is there an offworld olympics?

Your team is small and only half of you enjoy the game. Talent is what a team is together. We respect the end of a game well played but make sure that everyone wins the desired outcome. No, to the rest.

While I understand that some of this may be asked tongue in cheek, keep in mind the beings we are speaking of. Why do we hold olympics? To show off who is better or stronger. There is no need for this with the sasquatch. They exist to love, learn, live a good and simple life, to teach. All these things some may say are "simple". Truly I say, you try it! Live simply. No electronics, no fancy clothes or cars, live only for your family or your clan.
See my answer farther down about their talents and gifts.

Do the different groups of hairy folk have different abilities in changing their example could be that the Yowie can goto 4th and 5th whereas the Yeti can only goto 4th?

Can a Yeti travel to North America and be a gatekeeper of a portal there? And vice versa? Or is the portals frequency/energy specific to the local inhabitants?

Guarding a door is given with high honor. We give the door the protection that was given to us. There are ones that want to come in and ones that are trying to leave. No one leaves the door right now. The guardians who watch these doors are busy. Some of us are with you in this. Some of us are on the other side of the door. You do not know where you are right now. Soon you will know what is on the other side of the door.

Not every portal is guarded. From what I have seen, guarding a portal is an honor of sorts and taken very seriously. There are many different types of beings that guard portals. For some it is a family duty. For others, they have been doing for so long that I can't track when they began guarding. My experience thus far is that portals all feel the same. It is simply a gate. There may be one vibration on this side and a different vibration on the other. I have seen many different Dimensional beings come through the same portal, so no, it does not seem to be energy specific.

Can all you guys mindspeak with each other from continent to continent?

Yes :)

Matt, I have said many times before that all of us have everything that we need to do anything that we choose. Mind speakers are out there everywhere and most of them are better than me with feeling. I had to learn it. I wasn't born with a special gift, WE ALL WERE! I have met many people out there that have much more contact than I do. The only secrets that I have are written in this blog. My choice is to write this blog in order to share and learn. Some cry out of joy when they read this blog. Some fill in pieces of their own journey and some say that I am full of shit. It is not to whom the hairy folk speak but who listens. Wimby is a man that lives in your area right under your nose. He has a family and all of them have watched you many times. What worked for me may not work for you and what works for you may not help me. This is why this blog is here and I write it with as much respect for ALL of us as the guardians guard the doors (or portals). Reach out to Wimby and feel him. Trust what you feel (and hear) in your feelings about you and him. Remember that you and him are family and there are reasons for everything to be the way that it is. Know that change is the only constant in the universe. Change the depth of your friendship with him together.

Do the Aussie Yowies have a different accent/dialect to the American Sasquatch?......the Yowie mindspeak Gday and you guys mindspeak Howdy? How often do you travel to other continents? 

If we speak with our voices, our words are influenced by location, where we were raised, how we were raised. If you are a sasquatch, your mindspeak is flavored with your personality. Location is not a factor because they do not exist in one location nor one vibration. Their intelligence, humor, experience, and the importance with which the message holds all flavor the mindspeak. 

Are all North American Sasquatch groups in contact with the Andromedan Council? Or is it just a few groups of hairy folk that speak with the AC?

All are who choose to be and the other way around.

We are in contact with those who have to do with that aspect of the one. All of us are in transition at this time. All of us have made choices that led us to where we are and where we are going. Some of you have remembered this and some of you are in the process of putting the pieces together and All of us are involved. I have noticed many questions about who we are and who you are. This information was shared before in the previous blog entry. I invite you to read this and observe how you feel about it.

Is this awakening process of humans a joint effort of all hairy folk groups and the offworlders (AC, SL, Sirians, Arcturians, Pleaidens, Avians etc)? Do different groups of hairy folk only speak with certain groups of offworlders? example could be that the Yowies only speak to the Arcturians? As the hairy folk and AC probably know us Earth humans are getting mixed messages about the Anunnaki. Some say that the good ones are coming back to kick the bad ones out. Is this true? If it is true why did it take the good ones so long to realise that the bad ones were acting like naughty children?

Matt, this information have been given in other places. Observe how you feel about it and don't get caught up in the drama of the details.

Our brethren have developed, much as we are now, over the millenia. Because they were around in the days of Atlantis and other civilizations that we currently have had only the merest glimpses of, they are able to mind speak, shift, travel, etc.
There are those brothers and sisters that simply exist to love, eat, hunt, and have family  (Just as we do), there are those that choose to help us, just as we (like John) help others to understand, see, and grow.
There are also those groups that still are angry, fight for land, hate us, and don't care to communicate or associate with us. These factions are dangerous to the men and women that push the limits and seek them even after warnings and for wrong doing.
Each of our hairy folk have different abilities Just as we do.

Do not associate them with annunaki or any other race if on or off worlders. They are a species unto themselves just as we are. They have awareness and knowledge and some have communication with other beings on and off world as well as other dimensions. These other beings are as I have said of the hairy folk, good, bad and indifferent. Why must we always put them in categories? Simply experience what EACH ONE has to offer. I'm going to wax a bit "John" here... Do bears shit in the woods? We KNOW they do! Would we go and ask them the whys and how's of it? NO. We simply accept it. John and I accept these wonderful  beings for who they are! We don't ask questions like children looking at an ant under a magnifying glass. We love them and are grateful for what we are given.

In an interview with an experiencer Ive heard recently is that the Elohim and the Anunnaki are the same or were the same beings. A number of the Anunnaki/Elohim "fell" and became the archons. The Archons rely on AI to control this world (this might have something to do with Tanaath's Silver Legion trying to get to the source of the AI). The AI also controls the scalies and greys. Is this true? Can you please set the record straight. When will the naughty ones be sent to the naughty corner?

The only way to set the record straight, Matt, is to observe your feelings. There is tons of bullshit out there that is trying to find a place among your feelings. These should be the clearest to feel. Moving beyond that... remember that we are all one. Read the last blog.

Bright Garlick in south eastern Australia is in the first steps of hopefully a long relationship with a young Yowie family:

Listen. Open your heart. Be honest and true to yourself as well as to them. Come to them as a babe in the woods. Be respectful. 

Tracey is correct. I never tell, I ALWAYS respectfully ask. When I go in the forest to visit I get down on my knees before I enter and tell them that I come with Love, friendship, respect, and ask if anyone would like to visit with me. They let me know right away if I am welcome or not. Many times I have been asked to leave. From mindspeak and feeling, I learned that during those times it was not safe for me to be there for some reason; not that they wanted to have nothing to do with me. A very big Sasquatch man named Mahkee told me once that I should stay away and that he did not want to be friends at this time. This bothered me and hurt a little. Tracey and I discussed this and he told her in the middle of our conversation to tell me, “John is known by all of us and loved by most but there are some that do not want him there because he is human.” Mahkee and I have become friends since then but through mindspeak only. I do what he has asked me to do and I stay away. He has since shared with me that he is a gatekeeper at a very busy portal. The ones that did not want to have anything to do with me were some South American Sasquatch that were in the area at the time.

The hairy folk that call themselves the "Ancients", were they here on earth before the other groups of hairy folk arrived? What offworld groups do the "Ancients" communicate with?

I do not have a feeling about this, Matt. I have never felt that they are any more ancient than we are. However, some of the elders live a few hundred years and one whom I love like an uncle is TuKornu. Personally, I feel that we are all of us much older than we have been told by the powers that were. There are many other places to inform your self about this.

Can anyone elaborate about the new Earth. Is the Earth splitting into 2 different frequencies (one Earth remaining in this current frequency and the other Earth rising its frequency and taking anyone that wants to go along with her)? Or is it that this Earth will be raising its frequency and every being here has a fully conscious choice of either experiencing 3d on another planet or experiencing Earth in a higher frequency? Will the beings that choose to remain with the Earth and experience the higher frequency/crystalline bodies, will this still happen in an instant as stated by Tolec? With the ones that choose to remain in 3d and are transported to another 3d world, will they be fully conscious of there travel with in the biospheres?

There is much going on here. There always has been. I invite you to re-examine your last questions and observe how much importance that those questions place on separation. Your choices will take you to your desired destination. Are you getting why we place so much importance on choice? These questions are exciting and full of adventure. Write your own story and do not wait to see what happens in the last chapter. Walk your own path through your own story and do not forget to include all of us in it. We have always had a choice. We have a choice today. Tomorrow we will also have a clear choice. Those choices will always have the power to write the last chapter. Look down at your feet and feel your path now. Hold your head up and walk forward. Know that nothing will cross your path that you do not have power over to choose how you feel about it.

Tahjee can you please choose one of the following.....

1. Is John an exceptional typist?
2. A good typist?
3. An average typist?
4. None of the above. I will be contacting the local newspaper shortly.

End of questionnaire. Sorry about the number of questions......they have been building up since John started this great blog.

John thank you very much for letting us in on your life. To the hairy folk and AC thank you for sharing your knowledge and humour with us. One more question that I have......when will the people of Dakote open an embassy here on Earth?

We are too busy with the Earth embassy on Dakote.

John, I've read of many encounters with the big ones in which people observe them swaying from side to side. Can you ask what if anything is the significance of the swaying motion. 

A way of balancing energy and becoming one with it.

Thank you to All, John, Mitawinasi, Tahjee, for answering my questions. I do greatly appreciate it! One question I have out of curiosity, is if there are Sasquatch who live in the Amazon, it's pretty hot down there.... how do they stay cool? And are there hairy folk family in Hawaii? Or other tropical locations?

See the map

My main question is .... it seems like it would be more appropiate considering the type of body suit that you all wear to prefer cooler, colder cliimates, so I'm just wondering about the logistics of livng in warmer places, such as the South American Sasquatch. I do know that they were required to move, so any info on that too would be greatly appreciated. 

We adapt to our surroundings and are able to leave them when we choose. We are not locked into our bodies like you are. We are able to leave parts of who we are any where we choose. You can do this but have only forgotten.

THANK YOU and much love to all!!

Hi again!! Thank you so much!! Couple more questions.... And this may sound silly, but I want your thoughts on this one. What is the shape of planet earth? And can you see it as a whole? Is it really round, or does it look different?
Also, I am aware that that Hairy Folk use portals around the planet to essentially teleport around... Are there other portals to visit other planets or can you use ?

Yes. It is only a matter of thought as to where you want to travel.

Our mother is alive. She looks different to the different eyes that may look at her. She is highly evolved. In higher vibrations she is round. In lower vibrations she is flat. Humans are asking these questions very much today because she is showing different shapes to different eyes. You know what one dimensional looks like. You know what two dimensional looks like. You see third dimensional around you. Forth dimensional continues. They are all parts of her.

And is there anything else we need to know about our environment that would help us know the truth of our reality? Thank you thank you thank you! And John, thanks for taking the time. ;)

I ask you the same question. Can you realize how important it is that you are able to answer this?

Our brethren have developed, much as we are now, over the millenia. Because they were around in the days of Atlantis and other civilizations that we currently have had only the merest glimpses of, they are able to mind speak, shift, travel, etc.
There are those brothers and sisters that simply exist to love, eat, hunt, and have family  (Just as we do), there are those that choose to help us, just as we (like John) help others to understand, see, and grow.
There are also those groups that still are angry, fight for land, hate us, and don't care to communicate or associate with us. These factions are dangerous to the men and women that push the limits and seek them even after warnings and for wrong doing.
Yes! Of course each of our hairy folk have different abilities. Why wouldn't they? They are individuals!

Do not associate them with annunaki or any other race if on or off worlders. They are a species unto themselves just as we are. They have awareness and knowledge and some have communication with other beings on and off world as well as other dimensions. These other beings are as I have said of the hairy folk, good, bad and indifferent. Why must we always put them in categories? Simply experience what EACH ONE has to offer. I'm going to wax a bit "John" here... Do bears shit in the woods? We KNOW they do! Would we go and ask them the whys and how's of it? NO. We simply accept it. John and I accept these wonderful  beings for who they are! We don't ask questions like children looking at an ant under a magnifying glass. We love them and are grateful for what we are given.

Thanks to all of the questions, to Tracey Owen, Mitawinasi, Tukra, Tahjee, and it was a pleasure to meet you Wimby. Here is the map:

John, I have been following your site for a while now and I felt drawn to read through this latest article by you.

One would say that I am someone who has a natural ability at finding the truth and I see so many different truths, and each one very important, within this information you have shared. Thanks for sharing it and not having any fear in doing so.

I'm about to put together a post for this (re-post linking back here) over on my site,

Hi. Are these occurrences in New Zealand? You don't need to give exact locations; in fact, please don't! We need to ensure the safety of the beings you mention.

We travel through but do not stay long. This land is temporary.

This is the first article that I have read and I felt the ah ha moment all over again from other information I know. I read the article from Laron's site. I'm so glad I have found your site now. I agree with what Laron said about "Thanks for sharing it and not having any fear in doing so"! I can't wait to read your past posts and future posts. I also agree with Da-da about not sharing the locations to ensure the safety of the beings you mention. I live in Northern California and while on walks in different parts of the forests here (redwood, sierras, costal) I have always felt there was much more there then what could be "seen". I spent a summer up in the mountains and it was so amazing. Once again thank you kindly!!

Hello! My name is TJ and I am just blown away by this wonderful happening of Sasquatch-Human contacts. I have been reading this blog for a few months now and first heard of Sasquatch people contacting humans from Joan Ocean. I have a question, how would I establish a relationship with them as I live in urban New Jersey. I would love to work with any of them on a personal and spiritual level, maybe in the dream realm? I extend this invite to Mitawinasi as well. Thank you so much for your work John, Im spreading it as we speak :) Thanks again brother and my love and gratitude to you and all of the Sasquatch people and people of Dakote :) Cheers to conscious reunion!

When I first came upon this blog from another site I immediately blew it off as another channeler and I don't trust channelers. But the morning after I blew off the article I had a semi-lucid dream and was in a forest above in the trees. I saw what looked like a sasquatch. I knew instantly it was a female. She had her back towards me, long dread-lock like long hair and she said matter of factly she's doing chores. I didn't realize she was engaging with me so I thought beyond the looks there's something lovely about them..and there was..hard to describe. Just a peace about her as I watched her moving around that was relaxing. Then suddenly I got shoved back into my body so fast that my eyes and mouth opened upon re-entering. I say it was semi-lucid, semi-OBE because my nonphysical was standing in my room near my physical body at the same time. So it was strange to be conscious in two places at once..but that's what it was. And I don't know the force that pushed me back..I can't assume it was her but it didn't feel friendly and she did. At first I thought I had insulted..but wasn't sure so I deleted comment. It was strange...first time that has happened to me. I did not intend to go there in the first place so I think it's really cool that still happened regardless of it abruptly ending. Hasn't happened since. Anyway, overall I don't think you're lying or being deceived. I think you are communicating with these beings, they're real, and thank you for putting this information out there. :)