After I posted my last blog, that
evening came around and my world changed some more. The new direction
of my adventure is mind blowing. If speaking with Sasquatches through
telepathy was not strange enough.
I had a lot of feed back from my last
entry. I'm sure that there are many people out there that think I'm
crazy. But I haven't heard from too many of them. I guess that we are
all a little crazy. Thanks for your support. Just remember that this
is a free blog and I'm not doing this for money. I would rather be
famous for something else. I write this out of the love that I have
for these people who have adopted me into their clan. I am humbled by
my experiences and hope that it resonates with some of you.
Three or four nights ago I was out at
the back of my property line sitting among the trees and talking to a
dear friend of mine on the phone. I took a deep breath, stood up,
turned around, and asked the dark, “Who's there?” A chill had
gone up my spine. I was used to being surrounded by Sasquatches but
this entity was no sasquatch. This energy was different. “Why are
you here?” I asked. “I'm here for you.” “Why are you here for
me?” “Because you asked me too come.” “Who are you?” I
demanded! “Mita-wina-see,” was the answer. When I heard this
answer I knew that this being was a male. “I don't know you,” I
said. I immediately called my big friend Toe-grah-nu. Toe-grah-nu is
a very large sasquatch sentinel who looks over me and my family. I
said, “Toe-grah-nu, where are you?” He said, “I am with you in
spirit, my body is somewhere else.” “I need your body here now,
someone is here that I don't recognize. He is here in body and I am
uneasy!” In three seconds Toe-grah-nu was right behind me. He let
me know that he had arrived by his smell. His smell is his alone. The
coyotes went crazy when he arrived! I have learned during my
experiences that the sasquatch and coyotes are inseparable. The two
work and live together in in harmonic unison. I could tell you a few stories about that.
With Toe-grah-nu at my side, I
continued with the questions. I was surprised at the different energy
in the answers. Toe-grah-nu let me know right away that this new
male, that had arrived, was a friend. Toe-grah-nu had come to calm me
and give me security about the meeting more than to protect me from
the new arrival. The newcommer was patient and kind. Like
sasquatches, the newcommer was clear and to the point. Mita-wina-see
told me that he came in place of his brother, Tah-wee-nah-say. I had
met Tah-wee-nah-say a little over a week earlier through mind-speak.
Thomas Hughes and I are good friends.
He helped me take the first steps into my adventure. Now, Thomas and
I swap notes most of the time. I had asked Thomas to mind-speak to
find out some information about a friend and afterwards I asked him
where he got his information. It was at this moment that I was
introduced to Tah-wee-nah-say. From then on I spoke to
Tah-wee-nah-say often. Tah-wee-nah-say is a 7ft tall Indian from the
planet Dakotay in the Pleiades star system and a member of the Andromeda Council. Tah-wee-nah-say
sent Mita-wina-see to make contact with me because I had requested
it. Mita-wina-see told me that he was bigger than Tah-wee-nah-say. I
laughed at this.
Over the next few days I learned many
things to say the least. The clarity in my heart was amazing when we
would speak. As we all know, all of us are equal. There is none of us
better or less worthy than the other. We are all one. So, many things
I will keep to myself as they are for me. Other things I will share
gladly because that is the purpose of this blog anyway. The planet is
changing right now and she is very much alive. She is getting ready
to shimmer out like sasquatches do daily. She is raising her
vibration to a level where corruption, greed, fear, pollution,
selfishness, separation will be left behind. We are all in the
process of making our decisions in relationship to all of this. It is
an exciting time indeed! We find ourselves in the process of change.
Most of us are feeling this in one way or the other. Everything from
dealing with emotional issues, headaches, bliss, career changes,
changes of heart and points of view. I was asked to look at the
political issues of the day. The whole world is in protest of these
things that our planet is getting rid of. It seems that our world
that we have made for ourselves is becoming more transparent. I was
told that many creatures live among us just beyond sight. It seems
that sight is the most limiting of all our senses but the one that we
rely on the most. I was told that sasquatches and off worlders have
been in communication with one another since the beginning of time. I
was shown that they all love us and are rooting for us right now. I
was told about a small group of people who wanted to control the
world. They made themselves the elite of our planet many years ago
and carried this on from generation to generation. I was shown that
the houses they made are crumbling down and that the curtain is about
to be raised.
Wow! The list goes on. I'm not a
specialist in any of this stuff. I'm just a normal guy who
mind-speaks with Bigfoots like everybody else. There are people out
there that are specialists in all of these things that I mentioned.
Check them out. Just like this blog, feel what resonates. Get out of
your minds and get into your hearts. That's where you will find your
I have a witness to the meetings.
Thomas Hughes can vouch for me. Unless you already think that he's
crazy, like I do. Ha.