was a strange entry. I was as if everything went wrong. Computer
wouldn't work, felt like I left out things, etc... There have been a
lot of things that have happened in the last month or so. One can
feel it everywhere. As you read these words know that in the end it
is you that has the answers that you seek. Do not put all of your
being in to the words of another. I have chosen to open myself up to
the feeling of communication between my heart and that which I can
not see with my eyes. Over the past few years I have remembered how
to feel with whom I speak. Before every blog entry I connect myself
with my brothers and sisters the hairy folk. They are the ones that
we have learned to call Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yowie, Yeti, etc... I
speak with my family, who live in my area, daily. But there are
always new forest people that I meet from time to time as well as an
occasional member of our star family. I have just met a man in
Australia who asked me to call him Wimby. He is a yowie. I have never
spoken with him before. I am also joined by a lady from a different
planet or vibration or dimension ( I am not sure about what all of
those things mean exactly) who asked me to call her “The Visitor,”
as well as Tahjee and ToGrahnu. TuKornu is busy somewhere else but
let me know that he is only a thought away. Tukra and his mate,
Shona, are also busy with other things at at the moment but are
always a thought away. Mitawinasi is here as well. I asked Tracey
Owen to help me with this blog because I have always found her
insight very helpful for my own journey and I know that others have
too. Tracey is direct with how she says what she says. I find it
refreshing. I will jump right in with Wimby now because the first
questions are from a man in Australia named Matt.
What the hell does that shit mean? It's like I am typing spam or
I lavent laughed so much in weeks. John just listen to the lady and
type!! No questions, no spam, no tea breaks, just type dammit! The
lady might put an ad in the paper looking for another typist if your
not careful. Hilarious.
of you have sent questions. Many questions. First, the answers are
out there, simply ask and be open to the answers. The problem is when
ego gets in the way. You have predetermined answers in your head
already so anything different will not be accepted."
first post in this blog with lots of questions. Im wondering about
the different groups of Yowie/Sasquatch/Yeti/Orangmawas. How many
species of hairyfolk are there? I heard that there are 7 different
types on Earth. Is this true?
when I look at the earth I see many lights all depicting where our
hairy brethren are. They are everywhere but with concentrations in
certain areas. If I have time at work I'm going to print out a map
and highlight what I see. The smaller lights are small groups and
single nomads. (Insert Map)
in Australia the descriptions of the Yowie vary somewhat. Some are
described as the average looking tall guys, others are described as
the same but with big sickle like fingers, and the third type are
described as tall guys but with red glowing eyes with stick/branch
like fur - not so much fur but sticks sticking out of them (how do
they sleep). Is this true? If so are these different types from
different places.....1 type from Mars the other from Marduk etc?
are different as the choices. We are who we are as we are who we
choose. The lights and shadows are tools that we take to our homes.
We watch as the energy of humans pass over our families. The energy
is clear and out of place. How we choose to let you see is that which
you can take with you to your home. We adjust to our home and you
make your home adjust to your choice. Your choice is the energy that
we see when it comes near to us. Your energy shows you how we look as
we let you see what we choose. How do you feel when we show you red
eyes? How do you feel about sickle fingers and hair? All of the
different parts of us have different meaning as what you cover
yourself with. You cover for cold and hot. You cover for speech. You
show who you are. We show you the same.
the different types/species of hairy folk have varying degrees of
talents? A human example is that North American humans are good at
basketball but suck in rugby and soccer the South American humans are
good at soccer but suck in rugby and are ok with basketball where as
Australian humans are good at rugby cricket and beer but suck in
basketball and soccer. Do the hairy folk have team sports? If so what
are they? Do you have a hairy folk olympics every 4 years or a world
cup? Is there an offworld olympics?
team is small and only half of you enjoy the game. Talent is what a
team is together. We respect the end of a game well played but make
sure that everyone wins the desired outcome. No, to the rest.
I understand that some of this may be asked tongue in cheek, keep in
mind the beings we are speaking of. Why do we hold olympics? To show
off who is better or stronger. There is no need for this with the
sasquatch. They exist to love, learn, live a good and simple life, to
teach. All these things some may say are "simple". Truly I
say, you try it! Live simply. No electronics, no fancy clothes or
cars, live only for your family or your clan.
my answer farther down about their talents and gifts.
the different groups of hairy folk have different abilities in
changing their example could be that the Yowie can
goto 4th and 5th whereas the Yeti can only goto 4th?
a Yeti travel to North America and be a gatekeeper of a portal there?
And vice versa? Or is the portals frequency/energy specific to the
local inhabitants?
a door is given with high honor. We give the door the protection that
was given to us. There are ones that want to come in and ones that
are trying to leave. No one leaves the door right now. The guardians
who watch these doors are busy. Some of us are with you in this. Some
of us are on the other side of the door. You do not know where you
are right now. Soon you will know what is on the other side of the
every portal is guarded. From what I have seen, guarding a portal is
an honor of sorts and taken very seriously. There are many different
types of beings that guard portals. For some it is a family duty. For
others, they have been doing for so long that I can't track when they
began guarding. My experience thus far is that portals all feel the
same. It is simply a gate. There may be one vibration on this side
and a different vibration on the other. I have seen many different
Dimensional beings come through the same portal, so no, it does not
seem to be energy specific.
all you guys mindspeak with each other from continent to continent?
Yes :)
I have said many times before that all of us have everything that we
need to do anything that we choose. Mind speakers are out there
everywhere and most of them are better than me with feeling. I had to
learn it. I wasn't born with a special gift, WE ALL WERE! I have met
many people out there that have much more contact than I do. The only
secrets that I have are written in this blog. My choice is to write
this blog in order to share and learn. Some cry out of joy when they
read this blog. Some fill in pieces of their own journey and some say
that I am full of shit. It is not to whom the hairy folk speak but
who listens. Wimby is a man that lives in your area right under your
nose. He has a family and all of them have watched you many times.
What worked for me may not work for you and what works for you may
not help me. This is why this blog is here and I write it with as
much respect for ALL of us as the guardians guard the doors (or
portals). Reach out to Wimby and feel him. Trust what you feel (and
hear) in your feelings about you and him. Remember that you and him
are family and there are reasons for everything to be the way that it
is. Know that change is the only constant in the universe. Change the
depth of your friendship with him together.
the Aussie Yowies have a different accent/dialect to the American
Sasquatch?......the Yowie mindspeak Gday and you guys mindspeak
Howdy? How often do you travel to other continents?
we speak with our voices, our words are influenced by location, where
we were raised, how we were raised. If you are a sasquatch, your
mindspeak is flavored with your personality. Location is not a factor
because they do not exist in one location nor one vibration. Their
intelligence, humor, experience, and the importance with which the
message holds all flavor the mindspeak.
all North American Sasquatch groups in contact with the Andromedan
Council? Or is it just a few groups of hairy folk that speak with the
are who choose to be and the other way around.
are in contact with those who have to do with that aspect of the one.
All of us are in transition at this time. All of us have made choices
that led us to where we are and where we are going. Some of you have
remembered this and some of you are in the process of putting the
pieces together and All of us are involved. I have noticed many
questions about who we are and who you are. This information was
shared before in the previous blog entry. I invite you to read this
and observe how you feel about it.
this awakening process of humans a joint effort of all hairy folk
groups and the offworlders (AC, SL, Sirians, Arcturians, Pleaidens,
Avians etc)? Do different groups of hairy folk only speak with
certain groups of offworlders? example could be that the
Yowies only speak to the Arcturians? As the hairy folk and AC
probably know us Earth humans are getting mixed messages about the
Anunnaki. Some say that the good ones are coming back to kick the bad
ones out. Is this true? If it is true why did it take the good ones
so long to realise that the bad ones were acting like naughty
this information have been given in other places. Observe how you
feel about it and don't get caught up in the drama of the details.
brethren have developed, much as we are now, over the millenia.
Because they were around in the days of Atlantis and other
civilizations that we currently have had only the merest glimpses of,
they are able to mind speak, shift, travel, etc.
are those brothers and sisters that simply exist to love, eat, hunt,
and have family (Just as we do), there are those that choose to
help us, just as we (like John) help others to understand, see, and
are also those groups that still are angry, fight for land, hate us,
and don't care to communicate or associate with us. These factions
are dangerous to the men and women that push the limits and seek them
even after warnings and for wrong doing.
of our hairy folk have different abilities Just as we do.
not associate them with annunaki or any other race if on or off
worlders. They are a species unto themselves just as we are. They
have awareness and knowledge and some have communication with other
beings on and off world as well as other dimensions. These other
beings are as I have said of the hairy folk, good, bad and
indifferent. Why must we always put them in categories? Simply
experience what EACH ONE has to offer. I'm going to wax a bit "John"
here... Do bears shit in the woods? We KNOW they do! Would we go and
ask them the whys and how's of it? NO. We simply accept it. John and
I accept these wonderful beings for who they are! We don't ask
questions like children looking at an ant under a magnifying glass.
We love them and are grateful for what we are given.
an interview with an experiencer Ive heard recently is that the
Elohim and the Anunnaki are the same or were the same beings. A
number of the Anunnaki/Elohim "fell" and became the
archons. The Archons rely on AI to control this world (this might
have something to do with Tanaath's Silver Legion trying to get to
the source of the AI). The AI also controls the scalies and greys. Is
this true? Can you please set the record straight. When will the
naughty ones be sent to the naughty corner?
only way to set the record straight, Matt, is to observe your
feelings. There is tons of bullshit out there that is trying to find
a place among your feelings. These should be the clearest to feel.
Moving beyond that... remember that we are all one. Read the last
Garlick in south eastern Australia is in the first steps of hopefully
a long relationship with a young Yowie family:
Open your heart. Be honest and true to yourself as well as to them.
Come to them as a babe in the woods. Be respectful.
is correct. I never tell, I ALWAYS respectfully ask. When I go in the
forest to visit I get down on my knees before I enter and tell them
that I come with Love, friendship, respect, and ask if anyone would
like to visit with me. They let me know right away if I am welcome or
not. Many times I have been asked to leave. From mindspeak and
feeling, I learned that during those times it was not safe for me to
be there for some reason; not that they wanted to have nothing to do
with me. A very big Sasquatch man named Mahkee told me once that I
should stay away and that he did not want to be friends at this time.
This bothered me and hurt a little. Tracey and I discussed this and
he told her in the middle of our conversation to tell me, “John is
known by all of us and loved by most but there are some that do not
want him there because he is human.” Mahkee and I have become
friends since then but through mindspeak only. I do what he has asked
me to do and I stay away. He has since shared with me that he is a
gatekeeper at a very busy portal. The ones that did not want to have
anything to do with me were some South American Sasquatch that were
in the area at the time.
hairy folk that call themselves the "Ancients", were they
here on earth before the other groups of hairy folk arrived? What
offworld groups do the "Ancients" communicate with?
do not have a feeling about this, Matt. I have never felt that they
are any more ancient than we are. However, some of the elders live a
few hundred years and one whom I love like an uncle is TuKornu.
Personally, I feel that we are all of us much older than we have been
told by the powers that were. There are many other places to inform
your self about this.
anyone elaborate about the new Earth. Is the Earth splitting into 2
different frequencies (one Earth remaining in this current frequency
and the other Earth rising its frequency and taking anyone that wants
to go along with her)? Or is it that this Earth will be raising its
frequency and every being here has a fully conscious choice of either
experiencing 3d on another planet or experiencing Earth in a higher
frequency? Will the beings that choose to remain with the Earth and
experience the higher frequency/crystalline bodies, will this still
happen in an instant as stated by Tolec? With the ones that choose to
remain in 3d and are transported to another 3d world, will they be
fully conscious of there travel with in the biospheres?
is much going on here. There always has been. I invite you to
re-examine your last questions and observe how much importance that
those questions place on separation. Your choices will take you to
your desired destination. Are you getting why we place so much
importance on choice? These questions are exciting and full of
adventure. Write your own story and do not wait to see what happens
in the last chapter. Walk your own path through your own story and do
not forget to include all of us in it. We have always had a choice.
We have a choice today. Tomorrow we will also have a clear choice.
Those choices will always have the power to write the last chapter.
Look down at your feet and feel your path now. Hold your head up and
walk forward. Know that nothing will cross your path that you do not
have power over to choose how you feel about it.
can you please choose one of the following.....
Is John an exceptional typist?
A good typist?
An average typist?
None of the above. I will be contacting the local newspaper shortly.
of questionnaire. Sorry about the number of questions......they have
been building up since John started this great blog.
thank you very much for letting us in on your life. To the hairy folk
and AC thank you for sharing your knowledge and humour with us. One
more question that I have......when will the people of Dakote open an
embassy here on Earth?
are too busy with the Earth embassy on Dakote.
I've read of many encounters with the big ones in which people
observe them swaying from side to side. Can you ask what if anything
is the significance of the swaying motion.
A way of balancing energy and becoming one with it.
Thank you to All, John, Mitawinasi, Tahjee, for answering my questions. I do greatly appreciate it! One question I have out of curiosity, is if there are Sasquatch who live in the Amazon, it's pretty hot down there.... how do they stay cool? And are there hairy folk family in Hawaii? Or other tropical locations?
See the map
My main question is .... it seems like it would be more appropiate considering the type of body suit that you all wear to prefer cooler, colder cliimates, so I'm just wondering about the logistics of livng in warmer places, such as the South American Sasquatch. I do know that they were required to move, so any info on that too would be greatly appreciated.
A way of balancing energy and becoming one with it.
Thank you to All, John, Mitawinasi, Tahjee, for answering my questions. I do greatly appreciate it! One question I have out of curiosity, is if there are Sasquatch who live in the Amazon, it's pretty hot down there.... how do they stay cool? And are there hairy folk family in Hawaii? Or other tropical locations?
See the map
My main question is .... it seems like it would be more appropiate considering the type of body suit that you all wear to prefer cooler, colder cliimates, so I'm just wondering about the logistics of livng in warmer places, such as the South American Sasquatch. I do know that they were required to move, so any info on that too would be greatly appreciated.
We adapt to our surroundings and are able to leave them when we choose. We are not locked into our bodies like you are. We are able to leave parts of who we are any where we choose. You can do this but have only forgotten.
THANK YOU and much love to all!!
again!! Thank you so much!! Couple more questions.... And this may
sound silly, but I want your thoughts on this one. What is the shape
of planet earth? And can you see it as a whole? Is it really round,
or does it look different?
Also, I am aware that that Hairy Folk use portals around the planet to essentially teleport around... Are there other portals to visit other planets or can you use ?
Also, I am aware that that Hairy Folk use portals around the planet to essentially teleport around... Are there other portals to visit other planets or can you use ?
It is only a matter of thought as to where you want to travel.
mother is alive. She looks different to the different eyes that may
look at her. She is highly evolved. In higher vibrations she is
round. In lower vibrations she is flat. Humans are asking these
questions very much today because she is showing different shapes to
different eyes. You know what one dimensional looks like. You know
what two dimensional looks like. You see third dimensional around
you. Forth dimensional continues. They are all parts of her.
is there anything else we need to know about our environment that
would help us know the truth of our reality? Thank you thank you
thank you! And John, thanks for taking the time. ;)
ask you the same question. Can you realize how important it is that
you are able to answer this?
Our brethren have developed, much as we are now, over the millenia. Because they were around in the days of Atlantis and other civilizations that we currently have had only the merest glimpses of, they are able to mind speak, shift, travel, etc.
Our brethren have developed, much as we are now, over the millenia. Because they were around in the days of Atlantis and other civilizations that we currently have had only the merest glimpses of, they are able to mind speak, shift, travel, etc.
are those brothers and sisters that simply exist to love, eat, hunt,
and have family (Just as we do), there are those that choose to
help us, just as we (like John) help others to understand, see, and
are also those groups that still are angry, fight for land, hate us,
and don't care to communicate or associate with us. These factions
are dangerous to the men and women that push the limits and seek them
even after warnings and for wrong doing.
Of course each of our hairy folk have different abilities. Why
wouldn't they? They are individuals!
not associate them with annunaki or any other race if on or off
worlders. They are a species unto themselves just as we are. They
have awareness and knowledge and some have communication with other
beings on and off world as well as other dimensions. These other
beings are as I have said of the hairy folk, good, bad and
indifferent. Why must we always put them in categories? Simply
experience what EACH ONE has to offer. I'm going to wax a bit "John"
here... Do bears shit in the woods? We KNOW they do! Would we go and
ask them the whys and how's of it? NO. We simply accept it. John and
I accept these wonderful beings for who they are! We don't ask
questions like children looking at an ant under a magnifying glass.
We love them and are grateful for what we are given.
to all of the questions, to Tracey Owen, Mitawinasi, Tukra, Tahjee,
and it was a pleasure to meet you Wimby. Here is the map:
I have been following your site for a while now and I felt drawn to
read through this latest article by you.
One would say that I am someone who has a natural ability at finding the truth and I see so many different truths, and each one very important, within this information you have shared. Thanks for sharing it and not having any fear in doing so.
I'm about to put together a post for this (re-post linking back here) over on my site,
One would say that I am someone who has a natural ability at finding the truth and I see so many different truths, and each one very important, within this information you have shared. Thanks for sharing it and not having any fear in doing so.
I'm about to put together a post for this (re-post linking back here) over on my site,
Are these occurrences in New Zealand? You don't need to give exact
locations; in fact, please don't! We need to ensure the safety of the
beings you mention.
travel through but do not stay long. This land is temporary.
This is the first article that I have read and I felt the ah ha moment all over again from other information I know. I read the article from Laron's site. I'm so glad I have found your site now. I agree with what Laron said about "Thanks for sharing it and not having any fear in doing so"! I can't wait to read your past posts and future posts. I also agree with Da-da about not sharing the locations to ensure the safety of the beings you mention. I live in Northern California and while on walks in different parts of the forests here (redwood, sierras, costal) I have always felt there was much more there then what could be "seen". I spent a summer up in the mountains and it was so amazing. Once again thank you kindly!!
This is the first article that I have read and I felt the ah ha moment all over again from other information I know. I read the article from Laron's site. I'm so glad I have found your site now. I agree with what Laron said about "Thanks for sharing it and not having any fear in doing so"! I can't wait to read your past posts and future posts. I also agree with Da-da about not sharing the locations to ensure the safety of the beings you mention. I live in Northern California and while on walks in different parts of the forests here (redwood, sierras, costal) I have always felt there was much more there then what could be "seen". I spent a summer up in the mountains and it was so amazing. Once again thank you kindly!!
My name is TJ and I am just blown away by this wonderful happening of
Sasquatch-Human contacts. I have been reading this blog for a few
months now and first heard of Sasquatch people contacting humans from
Joan Ocean. I have a question, how would I establish a relationship
with them as I live in urban New Jersey. I would love to work with
any of them on a personal and spiritual level, maybe in the dream
realm? I extend this invite to Mitawinasi as well. Thank you so much
for your work John, Im spreading it as we speak :) Thanks again
brother and my love and gratitude to you and all of the Sasquatch
people and people of Dakote :) Cheers to conscious reunion!
I first came upon this blog from another site I immediately blew it
off as another channeler and I don't trust channelers. But the
morning after I blew off the article I had a semi-lucid dream and was
in a forest above in the trees. I saw what looked like a sasquatch. I
knew instantly it was a female. She had her back towards me, long
dread-lock like long hair and she said matter of factly she's doing
chores. I didn't realize she was engaging with me so I thought beyond
the looks there's something lovely about them..and there was..hard to
describe. Just a peace about her as I watched her moving around that
was relaxing. Then suddenly I got shoved back into my body so fast
that my eyes and mouth opened upon re-entering. I say it was
semi-lucid, semi-OBE because my nonphysical was standing in my room
near my physical body at the same time. So it was strange to be
conscious in two places at once..but that's what it was. And I don't
know the force that pushed me back..I can't assume it was her but it
didn't feel friendly and she did. At first I thought I had
insulted..but wasn't sure so I deleted comment. It was
strange...first time that has happened to me. I did not intend to go
there in the first place so I think it's really cool that still
happened regardless of it abruptly ending. Hasn't happened since.
Anyway, overall I don't think you're lying or being deceived. I think
you are communicating with these beings, they're real, and thank you
for putting this information out there. :)